The Easiest IQ Test :P

I was stumbling through articles online and found this interesting image (Please click the image below to see the real moving image). Well, if you look at the image you may see its either moving clockwise or counter clockwise. Well, the interesting this is both are true. If you see its moving clockwise you are using your right brain otherwise left brain.

You may see both !! But the IQ test here is ( 😉 ) if you can make it switch between two different views without shifting your gaze then your IQ should be 160 – genius IQ!! Interestingly I could do it and now my IQ is 160 😛

I would say, this is the most amazing (easy) IQ test ever 😀 (I am sure most people can do it)

Once Again Note: Please click the image below to see the real moving image

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