
A wonderful post by Charles Swindle on Attitude, I may have posted it before but its worth posting multiple times 😉

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

And so it is with you… we are in charge of our attitudes.

The Beauty Of Symfony!

These days most of my works are in the symfony framework. A completely new thing for me which I am both working on and learning too. It amazes me how symfony’s form features are so wonderfully balanced. The capability of form validation and security implication are really impressive.

Before I talk about these details, I should write few words about what symfony is: (From its website)

“Symfony is a complete framework designed to optimize the development of web applications by way of several key features. For starters, it separates a web application’s business rules, server logic, and presentation views. It contains numerous tools and classes aimed at shortening the development time of a complex web application. Additionally, it automates common tasks so that the developer can focus entirely on the specifics of an application. The end result of these advantages means there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new web application is built!”

The old way of bulding web application is cumbersome, unmanagable. With framekwors complex web application can be handled very easyly without much of a headache on programmers side. Using symfony, when we define a form, we implement validation for each field, we can make some of the fields validation mendatory (such as Name, Age etc.) and we can do string or number validaition very easily. Symfony is build on the basic concepts of OOP, ORM, RAD, DRY, KISS, TDD, YAML, and PEAR. Therefore handling any DB activity is very easy and trouble free. The ambiguity of using different naming conventions for getters & setters are also easily handled.

Recently, I worked on an Auto complete search in our application. It was a search box, and as user goes with entering  letters all available options similar gets popped up. It was so much easier to do in symfony. Using Ajax in symofony also makes many complex things handled easily.

Its not that I have sit here to write a lecture on symfony, but most of my work are involved in these are now a days and I can not help expressing how much I am enjoying working with this 🙂

My Status!!

Its been a while I got a chance to update my blog, so many changes and ups and downs in my life have made it difficult for me to keep track and to express those in my blog. Now things seem relatively better and in a stable shape 🙂

With all the happenings around me for last few months I am completely convinced that life is full of unexpected things and unstable situations. The more you try to keep it stable, handle things the more new things come up to make it worse! And it all happens when you strive for better things. If you just accept the life as it is without much of an expectation it remains more stable compare to when you strive for better goals, improvements. However, what i have learnt and which we all mostly know, no matter what, if you believe that you can do it and then go for it, it does give you some hard time, but persistence will make it happen and you will be able to stabilize with your destination with some time.  But, we are not generally happy with our goals, the better we become, we strive for even more, this never ending process goes on and we really never get a chance to have calm and quiet stage in our life!!

My philosophical thoughts are getting complex i guess 😛

Well, I have got myself into a nice job that is very stressful but interesting & exciting, have settled in a small sweet town, no city hype. This a stage of my life where I can completely focus on my past and future and decide on how I want to proceed with the knowledge from my past failures and weaknesses. This is perfect time to shape myself even better, stronger to manage things properly from now onwards.  Away from all friends and family and specially the city events and all, this is a wonderful opportunity to focus on myself and I am really happy and excited for getting the opportunity.

The thing I am most excited doing is learning few new technologies @ work. To name a few, I am working on OOP PHP, Symfony Framework and Ajax. I never had much exposure to these things before, I have mostly worked on Java and Struts framework (Database off course). I am so happy to get into these web technologies which is diversifying my skill. I believe this is the time when web technologies are very important and has more project opportunities than other technologies. So, the more I expertize in these fields the more I have opportunities open for myself. Also, so many things i have always wanted to do of my own greatly require this skills. I have got some very good & helping colleagues and its a wonderful journey for me to learn all these exciting technologies.

I guess this is the first time in my life, I am really into work. I am enjoying what I am doing and I am  doing it passionately.  I have always wanted to know & learn things, work hard and succeed. But for one reason or another I could not do so. Now, the time has come and I am excited having this chance.

With a new life started, I hope to update my blogs from now on with new happenings! With work pressure and all, I don’t know how frequent I can be. But I will try 🙂

(Online Collection)
